10 Questions with Jennifer Coulson: 'I Help People Live the Dream'

“There are always people who want to make a change and live the high life,” says Jennifer Coulson. Truer words have never been spoken, especially as they relate to the current real estate market in Vail, Colorado. The iconic resort mountain community is hotter than ever — even eclipsing the records reached in 2020 at the height of COVID-19-fueled buying activity. According to Land Title, real estate in Eagle County (including Vail Village, Bachelor Gulch and Beaver Creek) continues to remain strong after posting the best first quarter ever with more than $760 million in total dollar volume. March saw 223 transactions with $304 million in sales volume, bringing the 1st quarter total to 545 transactions. This was 60% higher than last year for the same time period. Through the first quarter of 2021, the overall average sales price was $1,408,776 — the highest average sales price ever in Eagle County. Coulson, a Vail real estate veteran of 15+ years, is intently focused on helping her clients escape from reality and live the Colorado dream in what she calls “a magical forest.” Fresh off a career-best year in 2020, the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Property Specialist and Coldwell Banker Distinctive Properties Top Salesperson of the Year has nearly matched last year’s record production already in 2021. “As much as the city has to offer, people are recognizing and appreciating nature, privacy and spending time with family,” she says. “After so many people were separated from loved ones last year, they’re realizing it’s much more delightful to be in a beautiful place when you are spending time together.” The single mom of two is describing not just her clients who have purchased second homes in the last year, but herself as well. She splits her time between Vail and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, making memories with her family in her two favorite locations: mountain and beach. She is also licensed to sell in both destinations, opening up a unique niche of international opportunities. “I always tell my clients, ‘If you want your kids to hang out with you after high school, you need to own a home in the mountains and a home at the beach!’” To dig more deeply into Jennifer’s unique world, we posed 10 questions to her.

Coldwell Banker Global LuxuryIf you were not a real estate agent, what would you be?

Jennifer CoulsonI would most likely be an entertainer of some sort. I hosted the local morning shows and did live TV in Vail for about 15 years, doing TV performing (singing, dancing, hosting).

Coldwell Banker Global LuxuryWhat are three words that best describe you as a real estate agent?

Jennifer CoulsonEnergetic, driven, skilled.

Coldwell Banker Global LuxuryWhat is your favorite part about selling luxury real estate in your market?

Jennifer CoulsonGetting the opportunity to help make dreams come true.

Coldwell Banker Global LuxuryWhat’s the most common question you get asked as a real estate agent?

Jennifer Coulson“Do you ever sleep?”

Coldwell Banker Global LuxuryWhat was a seminal moment in your career?

Jennifer CoulsonA seminal moment in my career was committing more to an annual advertising budget than we ever made in a year.

Coldwell Banker Global LuxuryLooking over your career, which of your sales taught you the most valuable lesson that you still live and work by today?

Jennifer CoulsonI learn something new during every transaction and continually utilize and share those experiences.

Coldwell Banker Global LuxuryWhat’s the best piece of advice you ever got?

Jennifer CoulsonDon’t be afraid to say that you don’t know the answer to a question. People don’t expect you to know everything; what’s important is getting them the correct answer in a timely fashion.

Coldwell Banker Global LuxuryWhat’s your advice for buying smart in your market?

Jennifer CoulsonThe smartest buy in Vail is to buy a classic, do the work and create something spectacular in an amazing location in the Valley that best suits your needs and desires. Smartest buy in Cabo is either new construction in a community or a great property you love that will rent like hotcakes, if purchasing as an investment.

Coldwell Banker Global LuxuryWhat’s the most interesting trend you’re seeing in the market right now?

Jennifer CoulsonOne of the most interesting trends I’ve seen is people really looking for an exit strategy. For some, that means out of the cities, “running for the hills”; for others, it’s purchasing property outside of the United States.

Coldwell Banker Global LuxuryIf you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self about real estate?

Jennifer CoulsonI would tell myself to get a license ASAP and keep it active in any and every state, and every country I’m living in!



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