Blazing Ahead

2021 is moving by at a blazing speed. The end of the first quarter came fast. Luxury real estate is still booming. Homes with the ultimate luxury — space — are selling quickly in many markets. Many Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® Property Specialists are reporting that they’re the busiest they’ve ever been; others, like Carrie Wells in Aspen, are busy shattering records. All the new digital technologies, from Zoom to Matterport, we’ve had to embrace due to the pandemic have also made time seemingly race by, haven’t they? As we look toward the second quarter, it’s the perfect time to hit pause and check up on where you are. As Ferris Bueller famously said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” The wisdom of slowing down is not lost on me as a fellow Chicagoan. (By the way, Coldwell Banker has an interesting connection to the 1986 classic film. Chicago real estate legend Meladee Hughes sold the modernist glass-and-steel home in Highland Park, Illinois, where Cameron Frye totaled his dad's precious 1961 Ferrari convertible!) As Cameron and Ferris taught us, sometimes it’s necessary to put the parking brake on and take stock. Are you stopping to check in with your clients, both new and old? Are you using all the resources and marketing tools available to you through the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury program? The year 2021 could very well be your best one yet. I encourage you to keep finding creative ways to start conversations with your clients about real estate. Share The Report with them by finding your local angle; there is a plethora of information just waiting to be adapted from this valuable resource! The Reports can also be customized to your local market; make sure to check out for more information. Another one of our most powerful platforms is Homes & Estates, our flagship magazine that’s set to publish in May. We now offer agents the ability to customize the cover with personal branding and an inside letter. We’ve also expanded our advertising opportunities to sweeten the deal even more. The stories from this blog are yet another way to keep a dialogue going with clients. For example, who would have thought we’d ever see a story about the first hotel in space during our lifetimes? Someone recently joked to me, “That’s great news about the hotel, but when will Coldwell Banker Global Luxury get the first listing in space?” That made me laugh. Judging by the rapid pace of human progress, it won’t be long! There is still so much to look forward to this year. We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, as more folks are vaccinated each day. More businesses are beginning to open again. Life is starting to bloom again. I know we’re not out of the woods yet and challenges still lie ahead, but the world is on the cusp of a new day. Be safe. Take care. Until next month.  


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