How I Sell: Aylin Pelin Onar

Name: Aylin Pelin Onar Office: Coldwell Banker Maximum Location: North Cyprus Years in Real Estate: 19 Trick of the Trade: Homes & Estates magazine Best Use: Listing presentations and international marketing

How it works Homes & Estates is a collaboration between the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® program and Unique Homes, reaching affluent readers in 80 different countries in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Australia and South America. There is a direct mail component that leverages Wealth Engine’s Demi-Billionaire list. In addition to distribution in Coldwell Banker offices worldwide, the magazine is circulated in first-class and member airport lounges serving nearly 30 international airlines. The Wall Street Journal supplement of the magazine is also included in the Friday edition of the Wall Street Journal in the popular “Mansion” section and in the subscriber issues of the top high-net-worth ZIP codes. Now, that is global network power!

Tell us about how you’re using Homes & EstatesI bring the magazine to my listing presentations to show potential clients and to distinguish myself from other luxury real estate professionals. I need to show potential clients that I have better knowledge about the global luxury property market. They want to know that I am connected globally and that I will have the budget for marketing their properties. What’s your favorite part about Homes & Estates?The print component! I know it’s the digital age, but my affluent clients still want something they can touch and keep at home. They love the idea of being able to share it with people. The magazine gives them that luxury feeling and experience that is so much a part of the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury world. I would also like to add that Homes & Estates is not just a print platform — it’s a multilevel luxury experience that crosses from print to online. The digital edition of Homes & Estates, which is emailed to about 50,000 subscribers to the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury blog and also has a place on, is another way people can interact with the stories and beautiful images. Why do you feel Homes & Estates gives you a competitive advantage?Homes & Estates is the leading magazine for the luxury property sector and a great lifestyle resource with a high-quality presentation. The idea behind the magazine is that it is not only a powerful tool for marketing properties internationally — but also an impactful branding opportunity that positions my listings next to engaging stories about luxury travel, architecture, interior design, art, culture and fashion. There’s a whole lifestyle that’s attached to the properties that we sell, and that is what Homes & Estates is all about — capturing the lifestyle. I easily win listings when I explain this amazing tool, which has strategic partners like the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and Unique Homes. Each of them has millions of readers and followers. This unique advantage gives me a full marketing power that none of the other real estate brands can compete with. Success storyOne of my most recent sales comes to mind. It was a villa built in İzmir, Turkey — a modern-design seafront smart home. The design was very unique. The kitchen and even the floors were a Ferrari design! The owner was doing almost everything to sell it by himself because he didn’t trust real estate agents, and he felt they were not capable of selling his home, which was “his baby.” When I first met him, I took my Global Luxury Box, which I call the “black box.” When he opened it, he saw Homes & Estates, the New York Times and all the tools that we use for the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury marketing program. From that moment on, he knew that my marketing approach was different. Well, I got the listing! I ended up selling it to a client who was from Germany, a 24-year-old millennial millionaire who saw that listing in Homes & Estates Estates magazine while he was having a holiday in France. It’s a small world. Words of adviceHomes & Estates carried my work to the highest level in the luxury real estate business. It is also very effective in reaching my international investors about luxury real estate in Northern Cyprus. It is one of the best ways to distinguish yourself from other real estate professionals, not only with its high quality but also with its rich content. The new 2020 global issue of Homes & Estates magazine begins shipping to Coldwell Banker Global Luxury offices and affluent addresses across the country on April 21, 2020. Get the new issue here.  


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